Friday, February 15, 2008

In Detroit!

Whatsup from Detroit everyone!!!!!!. It is great here, besides the rather cold weather and the 4ft of snow on the ground, its quite fun. My sister and i are going to the Spice Girls concert tomorrow and we will be back early Sunday morning, So anyways, EO related news now, Looks like Avamay won the charges against her getting scammed earlier this week, the kids parents will be paying Ava $550, She apparently used her parents paypal account so They most likely will be grounding her for ehh maybe FOREVER, teaches you not to mess with real money, you want to scam in a game, go ahead. But real life money is the real stuff here, you don't scam it, especially when your 12-15 years old, i'm not quite sure how old she was, but i assume young. Anyways, glad you made your money back Ava, as i used to agree with Wickedfrost, as of now i will be deleting the link to his blog, as of now he is to harsh with his words, Some friend he is to ava and nezlo right??? lol and also i would like to wish the best and hope the best for nezlo moving in with his beloved woman Ava, ( NIKKY) coming this march, i assume he will be there, Gratz to the both of you, Have fun guys, and sorry for not posting, been in Detroit, AND FAT PEOPLE HOG THE COMPUTERS FOR PORN!

Monday, February 4, 2008

Runescape Private servers

Hey all, sorry i havnt been posting lately, no updated news in EO at all. But im taking a break from endless, So for those of you who like runescape and never were able to get onto a private server, this post is for you =D. First, go to the client will load, then type in a random username/password to log in, Now for the server type in my favorite one. its pure ownage, Silab servers allow you to use Godswords/new member items/ and ancients so please feel free if you are bored and like fast lvling with awsome admins/mods on here then please join us, if the server says ERROR CONNECTING keep pressing log in , it will eventually log you in, ( the problem is that new updated items with silab components lag the servers connection creating hypertension for the ports, the port will log you in agter it finds the open source plug, disconnects it and re opens it ( after about 6-7 log in trys). So enjoy.