Sunday, November 16, 2008

Back and Reopening the blog

Hey there everyone! Its been so long since i last updated my blog, I have been in Rehab from may 2nd to june 21st. I was smokeing Mariujuana and had problems with my family and gangs. I am Reopening my blog to personal information along with EO related posts. Tell all your friends about my blog and read it at least 2-3 times a week not including weekends. I will be on around 3 or so in Pacific standard time. So if you need anything PM my new account ARRESTED on main server *NOTE* I DO NOT PLAY TEST WHATSOEVER AND I NEVER WILL. No offence to anyone who does play it.____________________________________________________________________


V.29 has been expected to come out somewhere in December *JUST A RUMOR* But expect to have different classes as well as spells, Armor,weapons,and NPC'S. Also a few new maps i have been told by Vult-r. Nothin major has been happening in the last few weeks besides rumors of v.29 and Rexor logging on for a few minutes, Showing that at least he is a semi active Admin. That about sums my post up for now. If i get any new information it will be here first if not in between there. * REMEMBER TO CHECK MY BLOG EVERY ONCE AND A WHILE*